West Hollywood 2006
Each floor is fitted with its own art installation and if you look inside you can see the beginning of 'The Simpsons' on a loop. You breeze through the lobby and head straight out to the hotel bar. C to F list actors float around in the pool while the B list eats on the terrace below the pool. The A list owns houses in the area and will put up a wayward relative, but usually the A list only comes to the hotel for its fabulous parties.
I stand behind the desk and apologize for the elevators not working properly. I also sneak down to the smoking area to smoke. Its on P2. I've never worked in a hotel with anything better than a AAA rating. This hotel has 4 stars. The women are powerful and sexy. That short little Latina cutie comes to mind, what's her name, oh yea, Salma Hayak; she's not here today, but there are others. Of course we have the brainless floozies on a free ride. My comrade in arms at the front desk tells me that they seem to be here everyday. A lot of hookers and only 1 male stud this season. It's early Spring but the sun is blasting away at us up here on the strip.
Around the middle of my shift, my name is put in a hat and tossed about with other co-workers names and then they pick the name and our manager has read the name and is purposely not telling us and he crumples up the paper and puts it in his pocket and says my name and I'm the page and have to deliver packages that have not been picked up.
Most of the rooms are empty and others answer their door rather quickly and give me a dollar and I move on. I come to one room where some girls are laughing and giggling and the TV is turned up soooo loud and I think I hear them tell me to come in; so I do. They're gorgeous bodies lie twisted on the bed. They're still eating each other out and I try to keep it business like and deliver the package. The Brunette tells me there should be 3 packages for a good time. I don't understand and her accent is thick so I get a little closer and hope to understand.
She tells me again that she needs 3 packages to have a good time. She says she has 2 and only needs one more. I understand all of the sudden. I hand her the Fed Ex ask for a signature. I tell her this is the one package then.
The scent of sweat and pussy all over the room. They're beautiful bodies are glistening and writhing a little still. The brunette laughs and says she'll sign for it and while she signs her Blondie friend starts to stroke my pants and I've already got a raging hard on. Hotel creeds fly through my mind and while I'm trying to think of an answer she has my cock out and and is jacking it off. The brunette slaps her hand, hitting my cock too, and she lets go. I turn and put my cock back in my pants and leave and remind myself not to get too close to the animals.
I continue on to deliver packages and come back to the front desk to tell my story to the staff. They tell me that it's no big deal. One of the bellmen is upstairs fucking somebody he just met. The maids are fucking each other in the maids closets and spare rooms and filming it, sometimes, for porn sites. It's amazing any of the rooms get cleaned. They get paid more for fucking than they do for cleaning the rooms. I'm told that I really don't know the half of it and to just fucking relax and keep my mouth shut and the show will go on. I tell them OK. They tell me the show has been going on for 10 years now. It doesn't make any sense but then the phone rings and somebody comes up to the desk. I stand there and zone out on the lobby and restaurant entrance. Some girls wave at me from the lobby, they're dressed in hot pants and bikini tops. I realize it's the girls from upstairs and they make a funny hand motion and my co-worker sees it and laughs. They go out to the pool.
The pool sparkles and glistens and bodies splash around. Somebody has an alligator floatie. There is a topless woman in the shallow end with floaties and really big sunglasses on. Her drink is kinda floating on the surface in a weird way. She holds it just under the water and will tell you it keeps her drink cold. I get off work and go home and masturbate.