This film is way dark and all the bad things surrounding it seem to pitch the fervor to new heights. Well. Look who's here. We have batman floating around distracting all the knights so our dear friend the robot can get to his business meeting. Things are great around here at the dirty hot hotel. We've relocated to Beverly Hills and I don't know where to start with Beverly Hills, but I've got some news for you. Beverly Hills is soon to be the launch pad for a trip out of
Here's a question. Do artists in Berlin care about the price of oil when Batman makes 158.6 million in a weekend.
I wonder.
I've hedged my bets. We're going big time. We've got it all on the line. Do artists care about the price of oil or do they not care about the price of oil? Shannon drives a Suburban and wants to party in Europe this summer. Will she have enough money for Mojitos along the Champs D-listed or will she really really sock it everyone and blow up the Suburban. We've got a running poll coming very soon. In fact it's probably up once you've read this because I'm going to do it next.
Summer Poll season is here.
I've got some news to report that due to Maxs' hectic lifestyle the Surf-techtronix band has really come together. We've got a video out there, but I don't know if he can figure out how to transfer to the computer. If he can, we will set up a link. We sang a little ditty called "black and gold". It's a cover by that new guy.