A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Working on a magazine article and Blog Site

So like all good california jobs. These pay nothing.
It's still kinda fun to get writing again.

Studio!! has hired me to write some stuff which will come out in soft back glossy expensive magazine style and then there's

Guerrilla Works

which wants me to put their site together. It's busy time. We shall see what happens.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Live from Fairfax and Willoughby

Hooray! Remember when it was 1998 and we all lived on the couch in Zachs apartment. I've got to send that guy a thankyou letter. Berlin! Come in Berlin! Whooooooooooooo! We would play video games and go out to eat and smoke a lot of pot and in the end of it all we laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed until we cried. What else did we do that Year? Nightclubbing, there was a lot of nightclubbing in 1998. We were huge. Everyone loved us. I loved me.

Well today we are live from Studio 838 on Fairfax. Hanging out with Max and living it and doing it and they are redoing the deck, so we're stuck inside, but it's nice and air conditioned.


There is talk in the air about the Russians. Forget about S. Ossetia. There is Russian Magazine war going on in Beverly Hills. Well don't forget about S. Ossetia. If they want to go back to Russia then let them. Georgia still has the pipeline and all the coast. On the other hand there is something to be said about a country falling apart. Look at what use to be Yugoslavia. Whatever, let whoever wants to have their own country have their own country. Countries are fucking expensive and they'll be sorry later.

I'd upload a picture from the studios database but they're all way too big to fit.

Keep on rocking!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Okay, I'm In!!

Max and I tried to start a band. We've tried to kick start a surf tecktronix band but the first video is lost and it's a disastroid already. Our name is 'I forgot'. We lost the tamborine player to 40 oz malt liqour. Alright Berlin! Where are the band tryouts for the new band? I'm trying to get Max to go Solo with me but if you really want to have a band and save the world then I think I can do that. Do i have to go to Berlin?

This is a picture from the future in our reunion tour.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Guerilla Works Pirated Blog

Benvenuto a Stevie.

oh no.

Okay. What have we got here? It looks like something strange is happening inside the Mondrian hotel. Good thing Donalds on duty. I wrote a novella about him once and he liked it a little. Anywho, it really looks like someone has to talk to the valet captain. He can't keep parking the neon green RV in the lobby just because the guy gave him $500.

Well maybe he can for $500.

MHGC stock is up from the depths of $11- to $14.something. Still a strong buy until $15.25 Go Go Go Mondrian!!! You've still got a long way to go till you hit your IPO $24.

Guerilla Works takes it to the streets for everyone who wants to know what it's like scrapping by in Hollywood. Visit = Guerillaworks.com for more info or you might have to find them on myspace because nobodies figured out how to do it on facebook yet. I don't think they have. I really wish juan would leave take my messages and not make me audition like this.

Guerilla works = Fun.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome to Travelcity

get your eurail pass.
go to Greece.

I'm busy. I've got to contact somebody about a thing in Texas.