Hooray! Remember when it was 1998 and we all lived on the couch in Zachs apartment. I've got to send that guy a thankyou letter. Berlin! Come in Berlin! Whooooooooooooo! We would play video games and go out to eat and smoke a lot of pot and in the end of it all we laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed until we cried. What else did we do that Year? Nightclubbing, there was a lot of nightclubbing in 1998. We were huge. Everyone loved us. I loved me.
Well today we are live from Studio 838 on Fairfax. Hanging out with Max and living it and doing it and they are redoing the deck, so we're stuck inside, but it's nice and air conditioned.
Studio!!There is talk in the air about the Russians. Forget about S. Ossetia. There is Russian Magazine war going on in Beverly Hills. Well don't forget about S. Ossetia. If they want to go back to Russia then let them. Georgia still has the pipeline and all the coast. On the other hand there is something to be said about a country falling apart. Look at what use to be Yugoslavia. Whatever, let whoever wants to have their own country have their own country. Countries are fucking expensive and they'll be sorry later.
I'd upload a picture from the studios database but they're all way too big to fit.
Keep on rocking!!