Come on 2009! Get the fuck out of here.
You're like an American on Halloween in Berlin!!!
Stock market is bottoming out! Or is it just nosediving! Wait until unemployment hits 10% nationwide?!? Keep those jobs people. They'll pay back double your trouble soon. I just want to know one thing. Is it cool to be an American in Puerto Rico? I mean, we own the place. I'm moving to Puerto Rico where jobs grow on trees and outdoor mall shopping and drinks before noon is the name of the game.
I must apologize. I've totally been lagging on several things. The band is lost. The other lead singer/keyboardist got moved to the Arizona/Utah border. We will never see her again.
And Yacht Club. I can't believe I've only been once. I'm totally going to yacht club more.
2009 will be the year to get that horrible novel out of your system.
I'm writing:
"The Rise and Fall of Stevieland."
It's about a utopian fascist hotel out in death valley. It runs on solar power death rays from the sun. Whatever. I still need to rewrite all the others. Maybe that's what I'll do in the next 10 years. I'll rewrite a book a year. Be on the lookout for the 10 year anniversary Brailovsky Box set. Be sure to order yours early and you will get:
Hollywood 2000
The Race
Summer Novella 2004
Venice Via Venice
Ship Of Fools
The Lofty Riches
and The Rise And Fall Of Stevieland
in a special box set.
The cost is 450 American Dollars.