Out of bed by 5:30 and into the cold shower. Damn this loft living isn't all its cracked up to be. Several converts are sleeping on the couches as Stevie grabs his keys, wallet and some bus change and heads out the door.
Stevie walks quickly to the corner and spots the 720 rumbling up the street. It's not going to pass him by so he doesn't have to sprint but trots up 5th street to the bus stop. A few revelers have started the party early, like a couple days ago now and they heckle everyone at the bus stop and ask for money.
The bus finally pulls up. Everyone swarms the door and people bottleneck it through until every ones on and paid and in their seat. Chit chatter between seats and in the aisle. People excited about 2009 being everything it can be and more. A new president. A new hope.
The bus lurches to a stop to pick some people up at the Crenshaw stop. The doors flap back shut once everyone is on and then it starts to go, then lurches to a stop again. Sections of people groan. The driver almost forgot a handicapped man that is sneaking around the bus stop as timid as a mouse.
"You need a ride?" The driver screams out the door.
"Yea, I'm going to the VA." The man says.
So the sirens come on and the bridge extends to the sidewalk, the front row of people have to get up to make room. One handicapped person can displace up to 5 fat people. So those five fat people get up and make their way to other seats in the back. The man wheels on and clips in and the bridge comes back in and the sirens stop.
The doors close.
The bus continues quietly into Beverly Hills. Stevie dozes off a little bit and wakes just in time to get off at Santa Monica and Wilshire. He wipes the sleep out of his eyes and clutches his backpack full of pamphlets, documents and gold leafed declarations. Stevie clocks in and immediately takes the stairs up to see the anti-social Italians on the top floor.
The daughter and son are standing in the hallway and looked surprised to see Stevie.
"Bon giorno."
"Bon giorno."
"Bon giorno."
Stevie hands out his business plan and some pamphlets and the gold leafed declarations.
"Call me and let me know." Stevie makes a hand gesture like a phone and holds it to his ear.
The two siblings stay quiet until Stevie leaves the floor and then they dig through all the Stevieland stuff.
The front desk sucks. An old couple wants to know how much things cost. Every things too expensive. Then the phone rings. It's the top floor.
"Get the bus, put it on our credit card and let's get going." The Italian girls speaks perfect English.
Stevie stays on the line and waits to hear the phone click and it does. AC is taking a reservation in the chair next to him at the desk. He hangs up both phones; one at a time and then he tells AC whats happening. They don't need to work for anybody else anymore.
"Dude, I can totally resign right now."
"We are totally resigning and I'll order the bus while you write our resignation letters." Stevie says.
"Okay! Yes! I've been waiting for this for so long," AC says, "I'm going to call Ruth and Ben."
"Just facebook everyone to get ready and pack one suitcase and put together their salvation kit." Stevie says.
"Good idea!" AC types away, "What kind of bus are we going to rent?"
"No, not rent, we buy!"
"Of course we buy!"
AC types up the letter and Stevie calls RV shops and a couple Bus Depots and gets the word on the street. Within ten minutes a guy calls back from a craigslist ad that's letting a 50 seater with full bedroom go for 200K cash; and with an American Express guarantee of a payout at any local Western Union today, the deal was done.
The Italian girl comes down to the front desk. She's dipped in Dolce&Gabbana and throws some Louis Vutton hand bags on the desk.
"Get me the Ferrari! Let's Go!" She says.
Stevie grabs the keys out of the valet box and runs out to the carriage house and clicks the lock from the key chain. It's black and fast.
The Italian girl adjusts her clothes and walks out front when she hears Stevie start the car. The car pull ups and she stops Stevie from getting out. She pushes him into the passenger seat and throws her bags in his lap. Then she peels out.
"Wait, what about the bus." he says.
"That's for your followers, we take the Ferrari!" she says.