Wowzers. The new year has started off in a great way! We've sold more titles here at The Trashy Novel Corp than we thought we would. Sales are up and it has contributed a little bit to our advertising budget so you might be seeing some ads on Facebook, just to get the Brand Identity out there. You can click all you want. We are paying for impressions. What else is going on?
I just realized that Amanda has maybe been working at a Youth Hostel in Berlin for over a year. We would love to get the rights to that story.
Also we have started a contest. It's a race to get to a Million Followers on Twitter. You can subscribe to our Twitter feed on the blog here. It's up there with the poll. So yea, the contest is: We are GIVING AWAY a KINDLE once we hit a Million Followers. Kinda a long way to go, only being that I can't get over the 140 Mark. Keep gaining and losing.
Great Tag lines so far:
Save a Tree ~ Read an Ebook, Damn it!
Un~Plug, Tune~in and read a Kindle!
Official guidelines to the contest are available here:
Official RulesSo let's have at it you crazy online kids from Berlin. Follow my tweets and good luck. The book industry is changing rapidly and you can stay up to the MINUTE with my help.