A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Government Employee

Ring Ring ~ The Reservation Phone rings

"Shelter Hotel, Los Angeles."

"Hi there, HELLO?"

"Hello, thanks for calling Shelter, what can I do for you?"

"I need to make a reservation.  I'm a government employee and I'll be there on work so I wanted to know the cheapest rate that I could get."

"Okay, Miss, Since you're a government Employee, you can save on your taxes, but you need to bring the proper paperwork to the hotel.  The paperwork that shows your a government employee and that we can waive your taxes, you know what I'm talking about, right?"

"Yes, Yes, it's just that it's Sunday and I don't know if I'll be able to get the paperwork on time."

"Well Miss, that's your problem."

"Excuse me?"


"What did you say to me?"

"I told you that it was your problem.  It's definitley a problem and it sure isn't mine.  Do you just want us to write off the taxes without doing the proper paperwork?"

"I want to know your name and who your manager is."

"I'm so sorry Miss.  Let me transfer you to his Voicemail."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Enjoy the Fall

It's that time of year, again.  You love it.  The leaves turn colors and everyone isn't as crazy hyped up as they were during summer.  It's time to relax and watch the games on TV and before you know it the holidays will be here.

Some independent research came out today regarding how much oil leaked out into the ocean from the Deepwater Horizon well.  4.4 Million Barrels.  Enough to fill 280 Olympic sized swimming pools, filling four pools every day. Kinda disgusting.  Glad it's stopped.  Estimates on the time frame for the region to be back in running shape: 50 years to Never.

Apparently the Exxon Valdez spill 21 years ago still hasn't been cleaned up properly with an estimated  21,000 gallons of oil beneath the surface.


Flippin Oil Corporations giving the rest of us Corporations a bad name.  We are environmentally friendly and although we don't even begin to cancel out the effects of renegade corporations, we are in big trouble if we can't reel this guys in and make them accountable for their actions and business practices.

I should run for office and promise a new "Czar of Corporations" to make sure these big companies follow the letter of the law and to break up the Corporations if they're being illegal.

Well, I haven't got any time for that so your best options are: Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown.  We don't want to sway any of our fellow Californians.  Who will take the place of the Governator?  Hmmmm?

Good luck everyone.

We're excited to be bringing you some a great Poet and Painter very soon.  Ornella Amore is Sicilian and lives in Venice Beach.  We've also got her sister in brushes LuLu Stewart releasing an Art Ebook very soon.  We've been running the proto-type on Scribd but have yet to finish it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Digging Oil Up On Pensacola Beach And Showing To Tourist Sept...

That's Gregg in the Pastel Green Shirt.  Even though the audio is horrible <> you can see that the layer of oil is there deep down in the sand.  We'd also like to report that the oil well was sealed with concrete yesterday.  Quite an ordeal.  Let's hope mother nature can clean up the mess and let's bring more checks and balances to those off shore drillers so this doesn't happen again.

We're still giving $1 a book to the National Wildlife Federation and The Nature Conservancy.  We rotate every month.  A lot of wild life was affected by this disaster and we can't keep recklessly searching for oil anymore.

Thank Goodness for West Virginia

Giant Food to Feed the world!  Mmmmmmmmm.  I betcha you could make 2000 Pumpkin Pies with that thing.  Huzzah!

Monday, September 20, 2010

No, it's the Shelter Hotel, not a womens Shelter

Time: 11:27am.

The phone at the front desk rings.

It's a man that wants to know how he can get involved in our organization.  I tell him that he just needs a Credit Card and an I.D. and he can check in anytime after 3 P.M.

There is a long silence.

I make a remark about how the rooms are $99~ with a discounted rate of $89 if you carry a membership with the Automobile club of Southern California.

More Silence.

That's when I realize he thinks we are a homeless or battered womans shelter.

I tell him he's called the wrong number as we are just a hotel with the name "Shelter".  We are not a womens shelter or homeless shelter, but if he can hold on a moment.  I will look up a shelter in the Los Angeles area and find one that's suitable.

The man is still silent.  I have to ask him if he is still there and I can hear him kicking himself for typing the word "Los Angeles Shelter" into Google and then immediately calling the first number without even looking to see what the hell the link is.  He answers back with a meek "Yes" and then I put him on hold.

Today I've found the Good Shepard Center for homeless women and Children.  Thank the lord for something.  These sisters are just what the down and out need.  They're located at 1671 Beverly Blvd.

Catholic Shelter

Good luck everyone.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Indian Summer, Hurricane Igor and The Death of NYT Print Version

We've been monitoring the weather channel and this is how things are shaping up for Silverlake:

Humidity: 38%
Temp: 79
Winds: SW5

Come on down to Southern California.

10 Day forecast: Sunny

On the other front there is a Major Hurricane in the mix, and 2 Tropical Depressions. We know Hurricanes are bad but nobody wants to be in a tropical depression.

Tropical Depression Hermine is growing in the Gulf of Mexico and should flutter out over Texas

Category 4 Hurricane Igor is 1200 Miles wide and causing some major problems for Transatlantic sea Travel with top winds at 150 MPH It's coming due west and if it continues it's path Jamaica and Cuba and most of the Caribbean Isles are in trouble. More probable hitting the Bahamas. It's still a crap shoot where this one will end up, but Meteorologist believe that with the high pressure system that Igor is skirting the south of, should weaken, and allow Igor to move more Northwesterly and skirt the Atlantic states. We'll know in a couple days what's going on.

Tropical Storm Julia is 200 miles off the coast of Africa after just departing the Coast Verde Isles and has sustained winds of 45 MPH and increasing

Also, The print version of the New York Times died today. There are a lot of happy trees somewhere. Viva the digital age. I'm sure the NYT will do fine online and with apps.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Miami Vice Theme

Los Angeles

Big City.
Big Stuff.

Big Big Big.

Build that really really really cool Time Capsule and start stowing your stuff in it.

We're really into Miami Vice around here. We're freaking out that we're so in love with Crockett and Tubbs, but whatever. We love Gina, too.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New and Exciting CS5

We've just gotten our hands on illustrator, photoshop and fireworks CS5. Get ready for some eye popping designs and don't think that we'll ever really give up on our Adobe Photoshop 5.5, because we love that ol' tech feeling.

But all that new 3-D photography is done in illustrator, so it should be fun to mess around in it.

We are not a photography studio and don't use photoshop to it's maximum facility but it's good to have the update.

Fireworks is the most exciting. Producing exciting mobile web content. Be on the look out for fun stuff for your phone.

And keep on reading...all donations this month will go to Protectourcoastline.org which helps local fisherman and their families affected by this disaster with this link here: Protect Our Coastline

Friday, September 3, 2010

Glittering Hull

Some of our friends made it into The Collective monthly magazine.

They are Glittering Hull.

There's a fun piece on them.

Fuck you September

and by September I mean childhood buzz kills.