If you've made it to this page, then you're one of the lucky ones. Lock your door, not that it will help, and grab a machete. You'll soon be lopping off heads and running for your life.
Good luck.
If the Zombies aren't banging on your door as you read this, and you've got a little time, then please sit down and have a glass of water and read about how it all started.
May 26th, 2012 ~ The Zombified version of Rudy Eugene had managed to walk for hours after his pyschotic state set in. As seen on the footage here he is acting like your typical Zombie and looks to be waving his hands and would probably look like someone all messed up on serious drugs.
May 29th 2012 ~ San Antonio Mother stabs herself in chest, slices her own throat and then eats her baby.
May 30th, 2012 ~ A Morgan State University Student in Maryland kills his roommate and eats him.
May 30th, 2012 ~ Canadian Gay Porn actor kills his long time lover a Chinese Student and eats part of him and mails the rest to Canadian parliment and then runs off to Europe.
We'll keep you updated.
EXCERPT REVEAL- The Drummer's Heart by Penelope Ward
20 hours ago