Too weak. I'm blind in my left eye and things aren't looking good for the other. I've long since abandoned the sofa fort and left it to the hordes of fire ants and their dirt empire. I will now make my stand under the patio table. It's teak, and so it feels like a ship.
Discarded wings and husks of beetles are all that's left. Things may sound bleak but I keep seeing something at the bottom of the pool but it's yet to bite that hook that I've left dangling for it. I'm sure I'll pull up something soon.
I'm not sure if I ate my dog or if she ran away, but she's been gone for quite some time now. Certainly I would have some of her bones laying around if I ate her and there are none. Maybe she went for help.
I killed the champion of the lizards two days ago and I'll kill more if they come back. Vanquished from my back yard. I figured out that the fire pit was their beacon and now that it's destroyed, they can't receive anymore signals from the mother ship. I'm sure they'll send down a scout, but I'm not afraid of them anymore....
Time seems to have taken on a new meaning. It's probably that I'm just crazy and time is different for crazy people. It's not linear. It jumps all over the place.
There are sounds at night, but I ignore them and the images in my head never materialize. The day comes and it's blistering, again. Temps in the 100s and the inflatables have melted a little bit on the tops. I don't dare step into the sunlight; or maybe I should. Step into the light. That's the last thing to do or not to do, step into the light, or remain in the shadows. I don't want to step into the light. I'm not ready to step into the light. I'm not ready for the last thing to do or not to do.
I've got to get out of here.
The first clear thought in a long time. I've got to get out of here.
I get up from under the table and need to take some time to stand up. I haven't stood up in a really long time. Head feels light. I sturdy myself against my trusty ship and look with my one good eye over at the neighbors fence. I can climb over that. There are some Eucalyptus bushes on the other side and they don't make a good cushion but I fall into them anyways and they kinda break my fall.
I'm in the neighbors back yard. I look around and see no one. It's all gravel with some iron statues set out. An iron coyote glares at me. I ignore it's stare and make my way to the back door, and look/fall into it. I bounce off the window and the sound reverberates around me. I pull on the door and it's locked. My knock turns into a rapid banging and then tappers off into a tippity tip tap. Nobody is home. Or at least they are waiting for the police to arrive to come out and see what I want.
I lay under the patio on a lounger for a long enough period of time that I realize the police aren't coming. There must be no one home. If I can get inside and get some food and some water, then things are gonna be okay. Then I can plot the next steps to get out of here. Maybe I'll even use their air conditioning.
I wait until it's dark and grab that damn coyote. I wait until the low rider with some boom tubes and a tricked out muffler comes down the street and that's when I throw the coyote through the back door.