How did everyone enjoy it? There was more than enough sun to go around. The California deserts were full of activities to save us from thinking about the heat. It's beginning to cool down, thank goodness.
The Summer of 2015 is one of those special Summers. Something to remember. Those Festivals, Those Weddings, The Funerals, The Birthdays, The Vacations. What a Summer.
We purchased a piece of land to write Walden 3.0, so that's kind of exciting. I'll keep you updated on that but it's not going to work out well as it's complicated. Isn't that what we all find exciting, the complications. Well, well, well let's all have a drink and hope for the best. I mean, how much can a Walden style 10X15 cabin really cost?!? Walden spent under $100. That's a tenth of the permit I think I'm gonna need. I want to say he only spent $26 on it. Sure, it's money from the year 1854. So that gives me a couple thousand maybe. Maybe a couple hundred.
Well, that's for the fall anyways.
Enjoy what's left of the Summer. The Last Weekend of The Summer.
EXCERPT REVEAL- The Drummer's Heart by Penelope Ward
20 hours ago