Getting a feel for what I need to move forward with the new novel.
Working title:
"Walden 3.0 or Living in a High Desert Cult"
Books to read and memorize.
Thomas More
"Utopia" in 1516 translated from it's original Latin
Henry David Thoreau
"Walden or Life in the Woods" in 1854
BF Skinner
"Walden Two" in 1948
I will include the synopsis of each book here in chronological order
UTOPIA Thomas More's best known and most controversial work, Utopia is a novel written
in Latin. More completed and Erasmus published the book in Leuven in 1516, but
it was only translated into English and published in his native land in 1551
(long after More's execution), and the 1684 translation became the most
commonly cited. More (also a character in the book) and the narrator/traveller,
Raphael Hythlodaeus (whose name alludes both to the healer archangel Raphael,
and 'speaker of nonsense', the surname's Greek meaning), discuss modern ills in
Antwerp, as well as describe the political arrangements of the imaginary island
country of Utopia (Greek pun on 'ou-topos' [no place], 'eu-topos' [good place])
among themselves as well as to Pieter Gillis and Hieronymus van Busleyden.
Utopia's original edition included a symmetrical "Utopian alphabet"
omitted by later editions, but which may have been an early attempt at
cryptography or precursor of shorthand.
Utopia contrasts the contentious social life of European
states with the perfectly orderly, reasonable social arrangements of Utopia and
its environs (Tallstoria, Nolandia, and Aircastle). In Utopia, there are no
lawyers because of the laws' simplicity and because social gatherings are in
public view (encouraging participants to behave well), communal ownership
supplants private property, men and women are educated alike, and there is
almost complete religious toleration (except for atheists, who are allowed but
despised). More may have used monastic communalism (rather than the biblical
communalism in the Acts of the Apostles) as his model, although other concepts
such as legalizingeuthanasia remain far outside Church doctrine. Hythlodaeus
asserts that a man who refuses to believe in a god or an afterlife could never
be trusted, because he would not acknowledge any authority or principle outside
himself. Some take the novel's principal message to be the social need for
order and discipline rather than liberty. Ironically, Hythlodaeus, who believes
philosophers should not get involved in politics, addresses More's ultimate
conflict between his humanistic beliefs and courtly duties as the King's
servant, pointing out that one day those morals will come into conflict with
the political reality.
Utopia gave rise to a literary genre, Utopian and dystopian
fiction, which features ideal societies or perfect cities, or their opposite.
Early works influenced by Utopia included New Atlantis by Francis Bacon, Erewhon
by Samuel Butler, and Candide by Voltaire. Although Utopianism combined
classical concepts of perfect societies (Plato and Aristotle) with Roman
rhetorical finesse (cf. Cicero, Quintilian, epideictic oratory), the
Renaissance genre continued into the Age of Enlightenment and survives in
modern science fiction.
WALDEN or LIFE IN THE WOODS Part memoir and part spiritual quest,
Walden opens with the announcement that Thoreau spent two years at Walden Pond
living a simple life without support of any kind. Readers are reminded that at
the time of publication, Thoreau is back to living among the civilized again.
The book is separated into specific chapters that each focus on specific
Economy: In this first and longest chapter, Thoreau outlines
his project: a two-year, two-month, and two-day stay at a cozy, "tightly
shingled and plastered", English-style 10' × 15' cottage in the woods near
Walden Pond. He does this, he says, to illustrate the spiritual benefits of
a simplified lifestyle. He easily supplies the four necessities of life (food,
shelter, clothing, and fuel) with the help of family and friends, particularly
his mother, his best friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson. The latter
provided Thoreau with a work exchange – he could build a small house and plant
a garden if he cleared some land on the woodlot and did other chores while
there. Thoreau meticulously records his expenditures and earnings,
demonstrating his understanding of "economy", as he builds his house
and buys and grows food. For a home and freedom, he spent a mere $28.12½, in
1845 (about $863 in today's money). At the end of this chapter, Thoreau inserts
a poem, "The Pretensions of Poverty", by seventeenth-century English
poetThomas Carew. The poem criticizes those who think that their poverty gives
them unearned moral and intellectual superiority. The chapter is filled with
figures of practical advice, facts, big ideas about individualism versus social
existence...manifesto of social thought and meditations on domestic management.
Much attention is devoted to the skepticism and wonderment with which
townspeople greeted both him and his project as he tries to protect his views
from those of the townspeople who seem to view society as the only place to
live. He recounts the reasons for his move to Walden Pond along with detailed
steps back to the construction of his new home (methods, support, etc.).
Henry David Thoreau
Where I Lived, and What I Lived For: Thoreau recollects
thoughts of places he stayed at before selecting Walden Pond. Quotes Roman
Philosopher Cato's advice "consider buying a farm very carefully before
signing the papers". His possibilities included a nearby Hollowell farm
(where the "wife" unexpectedly decided she wanted to keep the farm).
Thoreau takes to the woods dreaming of an existence free of obligations and
full of leisure. He announces that he resides far from social relationships
that mail represents (post office) and the majority of the chapter focuses on
his thoughts while constructing and living in his new home at Walden.
Reading: Thoreau discusses the benefits of classical
literature, preferably in the original Greek or Latin, and bemoans the lack of
sophistication in Concord evident in the popularity of unsophisticated
literature. He also loved to read books by world travelers. He yearns for a
time when each New England village supports "wise men" to educate and
thereby ennoble the population.
Sounds: Thoreau encourages the reader to be “forever on the
alert” and “looking always at what is to be seen.” Although truth can be
found in literature, it can equally be found in nature. In addition to
self-development, an advantage of developing one’s perceptiveness is its
tendency to alleviate boredom. Rather than “look abroad for amusement, to
society and the theatre,” Thoreau’s own life, including supposedly dull
pastimes like housework, becomes a source of amusement that “never ceases to be
novel.” Likewise, he obtains pleasure in the sounds that ring around his
cabin: church bells ringing, carriages rattling and rumbling, cows lowing,
whip-poor-willssinging, owls hooting, frogs croaking, and cockerels crowing.
“All sound heard at the greatest possible distance,” he contends “produces one
and the same effect.” Likening the train’s cloud of steam to a comet tail
and its commotion to “the scream of a hawk,” the train becomes homologous with
nature and Thoreau praises its associated commerce for its enterprise, bravery,
and cosmopolitanism, proclaiming: “I watch the passage of the morning cars with
the same feeling that I do the rising of the sun.”
Solitude: Thoreau reflects on the feeling of solitude. He
explains how loneliness can occur even amid companions if one's heart is not
open to them. Thoreau meditates on the pleasures of escaping society and the
petty things that society entails (gossip, fights, etc.). He also reflects on
his new companion, an old settler who arrives nearby and an old woman with
great memory ("memory runs back farther than mythology"). Thoreau
repeatedly reflects on the benefits of nature and of his deep communion with it
and states that the only "medicine he needs is a draught of morning
Visitors: Thoreau talks about how he enjoys companionship
(despite his love for solitude) and always leaves three chairs ready for
visitors. The entire chapter focuses on the coming and going of visitors, and
how he has more comers in Walden than he did in the city. He receives visits
from those living or working nearby and gives special attention to a French
Canadian born woodsman named Alec Thérien. Unlike Thoreau, Thérien cannot read
or write and is described as leading an "animal life". He compares Thérien to Walden Pond itself. Thoreau then reflects on the
women and children who seem to enjoy the pond more than men...and how men are
limited because their lives are taken up.
The Bean-Field: Reflection on Thoreau's planting and his
enjoyment of this new job/hobby. He touches upon the joys of his environment,
the sights and sounds of nature, but also on the military sounds nearby. The
rest of the chapter focuses on his earnings and his cultivation of crops
(including how he spends just under fifteen dollars on this).
The Village: The chapter focuses on Thoreau's second bath
and on his reflections on the journeys he takes several times a week to
Concord, where he gathers the latest gossip and meets with townsmen. On one of
his journeys into Concord, Thoreau is detained and jailed for his refusal to
pay a poll tax to the "state that buys and sells men, women, and children,
like cattle at the door of its senate-house".
Walden Pond discussed extensively in chapter, The Ponds
The Ponds: In autumn, Thoreau discusses the countryside and
writes down his observations about the geography of Walden Pond and its
neighbors: Flint's Pond (or Sandy Pond), White Pond, and Goose Pond. Although
Flint's is the largest, Thoreau's favorites are Walden and White ponds, which
he describes as lovelier than diamonds.
Baker Farm: While on an afternoon ramble in the woods,
Thoreau gets caught in a rainstorm and takes shelter in the dirty, dismal hut
of John Field, a penniless but hard-working Irish farmhand, and his wife and
children. Thoreau urges Field to live a simple but independent and fulfilling
life in the woods, thereby freeing himself of employers and creditors. But the
Irishman won't give up his aspirations of luxury and the quest for the American
Higher Laws: Thoreau discusses whether hunting wild animals
and eating meat is necessary. He concludes that the primitive, carnal
sensuality of humans drives them to kill and eat animals, and that a person who
transcends this propensity is superior to those who cannot. (Thoreau eats fish
and occasionally salt pork and woodchuck.) In addition to vegetarianism, he
lauds chastity, work, andteetotalism. He also recognizes that Native Americans
need to hunt and kill moose for survival in "The Maine Woods", and
ate moose on a trip to Maine while he was living at Walden. Here is a list
of the laws that he mentions:
One must love that of the wild just as much as one loves
that of the good.
What men already know instinctively is true humanity.
The hunter is the greatest friend of the animal which is
No human older than an adolescent would wantonly murder any
creature which reveres its own life as much as the killer.
If the day and the night make one joyful, one is successful.
The highest form of self-restraint is when one can subsist
not on other animals, but of plants and crops cultivated from the earth.
Brute Neighbors: is a simplified version of one of Thoreau's
conversations with William Ellery Channing, who sometimes accompanied Thoreau
on fishing trips when Channing had come up from Concord. The conversation is
about a hermit (himself) and a poet (Channing) and how the poet is absorbed in
the clouds while the hermit is occupied with the more practical task of getting
fish for dinner and how in the end, the poet regrets his failure to catch fish.
The chapter also mentions Thoreau's interaction with a mouse that he lives
with, the scene in which an ant battles a smaller ant, and his frequent
encounters with cats.
House-Warming: After picking November berries in the woods,
Thoreau adds a chimney, and finally plasters the walls of his sturdy house to
stave off the cold of the oncoming winter. He also lays in a good supply of
firewood, and expresses affection for wood and fire.
Former Inhabitants; and Winter Visitors: Thoreau relates the
stories of people who formerly lived in the vicinity of Walden Pond. Then he
talks about a few of the visitors he receives during the winter: a farmer, a
woodchopper, and his best friend, the poet Ellery Channing.
Winter Animals: Thoreau amuses himself by watching wildlife
during the winter. He relates his observations of owls, hares, red squirrels,
mice, and various birds as they hunt, sing, and eat the scraps and corn he put
out for them. He also describes a fox hunt that passes by.
The Pond in Winter: Thoreau describes Walden Pond as it
appears during the winter. He claims to have sounded its depths and located an
underground outlet. Then he recounts how 100 laborers came to cut great blocks
of ice from the pond, the ice to be shipped to the Carolinas.
Spring: As spring arrives, Walden and the other ponds melt
with powerful thundering and rumbling. Thoreau enjoys watching the thaw, and
grows ecstatic as he witnesses the green rebirth of nature. He watches the
geese winging their way north, and a hawk playing by itself in the sky. As
nature is reborn, the narrator implies, so is he. He departs Walden on
September 6, 1847.
Conclusion: This final chapter is more passionate and urgent
than its predecessors. In it, he criticizes conformity: "If a man does not
keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different
drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far
away", By doing so, men may find happiness and
I do not say that John or Jonathan will realize all this;
but such is the character of that morrow which mere lapse of time can never
make to dawn. The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that
day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a
morning star.
WALDEN TWO The first-person
narrator and protagonist, Professor Burris, is a university instructor of
psychology, who is approached by a former student, Rogers, and Rogers's friend,
Steve Jamnik, sometime in the late 1940s. The young men are recent veterans of
World War IIand, intrigued by utopianism, mention an old acquaintance of
Burris, T. E. Frazier, who in the 1930s started an intentional communitythat
still exists. Burris agrees to contact Frazier, who invites them all to stay
for several days to experience life in the supposedly utopian community. Rogers
brings along his girlfriend, Barbra, Steve brings his, Mary, and Burris brings
a colleague named Professor Castle, who teaches philosophy and ethics.
The rest of the book proceeds largely as a novel of ideas,
mostly involving Frazier, a talkative and colorful character, guiding his new
visitors around the properties of the community—called Walden Two—and proudly
explaining its socio-politico-economic structures and collectivist
achievements, including sometimes radically new and bizarre, but apparently
effective, customs mandated by the community's individually self-enforced
"Walden Code." A wide range of intellectual topics such as behavioral
modification, political ethics, educational philosophy, sexual equality
(specifically, advocacy for women in the workforce), the common good,
historiography, freedom and free will, the dilemma of determinism, American
democracy, Soviet communism, and fascism are discussed and often debated among
the self-satisfied Frazier, the skeptical Castle, and the intrigued Burris.
In effect, Walden Two operates using a flexible design, by
continually testing the most successful, evidence-based strategies in order to
organize the community. Frazier argues that Walden Two thus avoids the way that
most societies collapse or grow dysfunctional: by remaining dogmatically rigid
in their politics and social structure. He verifies Walden Two's success by
pointing to its members' overall sense of happiness and freedom—thanks in part
to a program of "behavioral engineering" begun at birth. Though the
people of Walden Two are encouraged to credit all individual and group
achievements to the larger community, they indeed appear to live legitimately
peaceful, pleasant, and fulfilling lives.
Frazier boasts that Walden Two's decision-making system is
not authoritarian, anarchic, or even democratic. Except for a small fluctuating
committee of Planners, temporarily including Frazier, Walden Two has no real
governing body that could or would exercise violent force to motivate its
members, a feature that Frazier often praises. The members are apparently
self-motivated, following a relaxed schedule of only four hours of work a day
on average (with the freedom to select a new place to work each day); they use
the large remainder of their time to happily engage in creative efforts or
leisure activities of their own choosing.
Excitedly, Steve and Mary sign up and are soon admitted as
permanent members. Meanwhile, Castle has fostered a growing hunch that Frazier
is somehow presenting a sham society or is in fact a tyrannical dictator.
Castle, a strong proponent of democracy, finally confronts Frazier, accusing
him of despotism, though he has no definitive proof. Frazier rebuts, on the
contrary, that his vision for Walden Two is as a place free of all forms of
despotism, even the "despotism of democracy." Frazier and Burris
sometimes talk in private, with Frazier revealing that other communities
loosely associated with Walden Two have now cropped up, the most recent being
Walden Six. During one conversation, Frazier correctly intuits that Burris is
wary of his self-righteous personality, but urges Burris to look past this and
not let this influence his opinion of Walden Two and its success as a peaceful,
functional society.
By the end, the remaining visitors depart the community in a
mostly impressed state of wonder, except for Castle, who has smugly settled on
the truth of his conspiracy theories. During Burris's trip back to the
university, he ultimately decides in an inspired moment that he wishes to fully
embrace the Walden Two lifestyle. Abandoning his professorial post, Burris
travels once more to Walden Two and, after a long and solitary journey of
spiritual self-discovery to Walden Two on foot, he is welcomed back with open
That's a brief synopsis on each one.
Now to get to work....