A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

A Handy Guide To Finding Yourself

Friday, March 28, 2008

Nothing ruins a night more than...

Psychotic homeless all hopped up on dope and carrying around a mannequin that was missing an arm and a leg and trying to tell me that my dog is a brown nose pit bull. My dog is a mixed Stafford shire terrier and it may be a little brown nose pit bull, but I don't want shitheads talking to me and my friends. Fucked up Psychotic homeless fools straight out of jail. That was in front of 626 winery. The vibe was completely ruined and the music is a little tacky. I think all those hot mamas that work down at 626 like it though. They were very nice, but when a Psychotic homeless man ruins the mood, it's kinda hard to hang out and be peppy. We leave and go to Rocket Pizza and get some of the good stuff. Much better vibe. We soon forget the homeless man and start to enjoy the evening.

Stupid guy had a mannequin.

Have a good Friday night and head on down to J lounge over there in South Park. The historic core kinda sucks tonight. Old Bank District is always cool with Petes and Rocket Pizza and all that too!

Che Bummer

March 28th, 2008.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Los Angeles Fashion District

L.A. Fashion District Shopping Tour
Monday-Saturday with advance reservation, 10:30 a.m. Three hours of walking and shopping with a guide in the nation's largest fashion district. $36 per person. Call (213) 683-9715 or urbanshoppingadventures.com.

Look at that. Who wouldv'e thought that Los Angeles has the largest fashion district. Wow. You'd think New York has the lead on that. Go Los Angeles.

Get out there and get shopping people.


就是在那里侦探进来。Beetlebum 和桃为城市所做的。

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The $700 and the $1K tip #72

West Hollywood 2006

After 2am there is no more alcohol. You don't need it anyway. You may think you do, but you don't. It's not that kind of hotel. There is a no party policy. The hotel tries to enforce it but its hard when you hide the vodka in the Louis Vutton. It's really hard.

Room #212 has been drinking all day and all night. 3 young ladies, very young and some guy. It's like some setup for 'Girls Gone Wild' or a porn movie. They finish the mini bar right after they check in. Then they hit the vodka that they stashed. Then, down to the restaurant and where they get sauced and then out to the hotel bar to get plastered. They've been drinking for 17 hours straight and it's really a rule to help yourself. The hotel does not serve alcohol between 2am and 6am. It's actually a state law. It's there for a reason. We have mini bars to get around this but these thirsty guests have finished that a long time ago.

That's when they call me up to the room to ask me where they can get more champagne from. I tell them how sorry I am and that it's 2am. He pulls at my hand and gets it out in front of me with my palm up. He starts counting $100 bills into my hand and he stops at 5 and I tell him theres nothing I can do, so he counts out 2 more and I tell him maybe there is something I can do.

I run back to Skybar and ask the waitresses if they remember anyone from room #212 and they say they do and there is a bottle of champagne that they havn't finished and I can take it up to them if I want. They remember them becuase he was tipping in $100 bills.

I take it back to the room and apologize for not being able to get anymore new champagne and the guy tells me to keep it for trying. They ask for some strawberries and I tell them that room service will bring some up, I also tell them I'm bringing up some water to hydrate and they boooo and poo poo that idea. I keep touching it in my pocket, the $700, to make sure it's real.

I made a $1000 tip once for selling a room on a sold out night but it wasn't that exciting. I tell some older man dressed in a nice full length black leather jacket that the hotel is sold out and he says nothing and gives me a handful of bills. I count them out and go back and count them out in front of my manager and he says he knows of one room that might not show up so it's okay, but to get a credit card. The guy puts down an American Express black card. I sell him the room for an additional $350. I put the money in my sock for the rest of the night and tell no one but the word spreads anyways, and I dodge the issue.


Didn't we do this last week? Wednesday?!? We should have 364 different words for days. Then we'd recycle every year and I'm sure I'd have weird deja-vu problems with that too.


Constant Deja vu lately. Well lets see whats happening around here in downtown.
The Lakers are playing the Bobcats at the Staples Center at 7:30. There are tickets in sect. 108 for $140. Thats already happened before. The Lakers win. Go bet all your money on Lakers to win.

What else?!?

B. Dalton Books
March 26, 11:30 a.m.: Anna Sklar appears with a book right out of the sewer. That’s right. “Brown Acres: An Intimate History of the Los Angeles Sewers” traces the history of the development of a major metropolitan sewer system. She signs and discusses.

201 N. Los Angeles St. That's over there close to city Hall. The B. Dalton is in a massive underground mall complex over there. That could be interesting, but really it's just somebody reading their book about the sewer. Will there be dancing girls? No, I doubt it. Its just another reading!?! Deja-vu with the readings!

Oh heres something: sci Arc is having a Spring Lecture series:

Founding Principal Yansong Ma, originally from Beijing, received his M.Arch from Yale in 2002. Prior to founding MAD in 2004, Mr. Ma worked as a project designer with Zaha Hadid Architects in London and Eisenman Architects in New York. He also taught architecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Ma was the winner of the 2006 Architecture League of New York Young Architect Award. He also received the 2002 Samuel J. Fogelson Memorial Award of Design Excellence as well as the American Institute of Architects Scholarship for Advanced Architecture Research in 2001.

Principal Qun Dang, originally from Shanghai, received her M.Arch at Iowa State University. Prior to MAD, Ms. Dang worked for several major architecture firms in the United States, including Perkins Eastman, on projects of different scales. She has had several teaching positions including an assistant professorship at Iowa State University, a visiting professorship at Pratt Institute and an assistant professorship at Iowa State University's Foreign Studies Program in Rome, Italy. Ms. Dang received the 2000 American Institute of Architect’s Certificate of Merit. She also got the Paul S. Studies in Architecture & Culture Award, Design Media Award and the Academic Excellence from ISU in 2001. Todays photo is from a building that they've worked on.

That's it all you beautiful Denizens! Now get out there and do something!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Downtown

You can go see Sweeney Todd tonight at 8pm at the Ahmanson Theater. I can get you tickets in the orchestra for about $75 dollars.

It's also Tuesday night and that means that Tranquility Base is offering half off from 8pm till 1am tonight. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Let's hear it for Hospitality night. Yummy food and great atmosphere.

You could also head over to the O hotel and have some fun with their soft restaurant opening. The restaurant is wrapped around the inside of the lobby and it's kinda small but we'll just call it intimate.


What else.

Jewelry. You need it. Get down to 6th and Hill and go crazy in the jewelry stores. Get as many diamonds and emeralds that you can.

The Royal Clayton is serving some good stuff down there in the Warehouse district. You can also stop by and see the Biscuit Company lofts and set up your ideal space here in downtown.

I don't know what else to tell ya. Let's check the convention center for some action. ITs the Greater Los Angeles Vendor fair. It's not open to the public, but you could head down there and lie through your teeth that your a buyer and pay the $25 bucks and you'll be able to wander the convention floor.

Enjoy this Tuesday, because it may be your last.

Monday, March 24, 2008

To Drink and Eat like the famous #70

West Hollywood 2006

Everyone is here. I think it's Diane Keatons 60th birthday. I get on my shift at 11:00 and find out that I've just missed Jack Nicholson by 5 minutes. He stood at the desk and talked for like 10 minutes. What a great guy my co-worker tells me. That's when Sean Penn walks by and leaves his gin and tonic at the desk and walks out. He doesn't stop to talk but I move the drink off the desk and take a swig while I'm at it. His fancy shoes click clack out the lobby.
I'm Sean Penn for like 3 minutes. Totally Spicoli for 3 minutes.

Another time during the Summer Dustin Hoffman walks by and asks me to throw something away in the trash. It's an ice cream snickers and before I throw it out I take a bite from the other end.
I'm Dustin Hoffman for like 10 minutes. The Graduate and then some Ratso for like 10 minutes.

Monday blues in Little Tokyo

Oh sweet Jesus.
Long live Downtown and the all the stuff that you bring to it.

There isn't too much going on in Downtown today so we're gonna bring something to the madness. We are offering a free hooker with each room that you buy at the Dirty Hot Hotel.

Let's here it for the Hookers.
Let's here is for the Johns.

Let's just forget about all our troubles and buy a hooker and take her down to the Jewelry district and buy her some diamonds. Buy some rubies and sapphires and GOLDEN things and then have her walk around your hotel suite with nothing on but the jewels.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Here's a picture of what that might look like.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

sweet #69

West Hollywood 2006

Each floor is fitted with its own art installation and if you look inside you can see the beginning of 'The Simpsons' on a loop. You breeze through the lobby and head straight out to the hotel bar. C to F list actors float around in the pool while the B list eats on the terrace below the pool. The A list owns houses in the area and will put up a wayward relative, but usually the A list only comes to the hotel for its fabulous parties.
I stand behind the desk and apologize for the elevators not working properly. I also sneak down to the smoking area to smoke. Its on P2. I've never worked in a hotel with anything better than a AAA rating. This hotel has 4 stars. The women are powerful and sexy. That short little Latina cutie comes to mind, what's her name, oh yea, Salma Hayak; she's not here today, but there are others. Of course we have the brainless floozies on a free ride. My comrade in arms at the front desk tells me that they seem to be here everyday. A lot of hookers and only 1 male stud this season. It's early Spring but the sun is blasting away at us up here on the strip.
Around the middle of my shift, my name is put in a hat and tossed about with other co-workers names and then they pick the name and our manager has read the name and is purposely not telling us and he crumples up the paper and puts it in his pocket and says my name and I'm the page and have to deliver packages that have not been picked up.
Most of the rooms are empty and others answer their door rather quickly and give me a dollar and I move on. I come to one room where some girls are laughing and giggling and the TV is turned up soooo loud and I think I hear them tell me to come in; so I do. They're gorgeous bodies lie twisted on the bed. They're still eating each other out and I try to keep it business like and deliver the package. The Brunette tells me there should be 3 packages for a good time. I don't understand and her accent is thick so I get a little closer and hope to understand.
She tells me again that she needs 3 packages to have a good time. She says she has 2 and only needs one more. I understand all of the sudden. I hand her the Fed Ex ask for a signature. I tell her this is the one package then.
The scent of sweat and pussy all over the room. They're beautiful bodies are glistening and writhing a little still. The brunette laughs and says she'll sign for it and while she signs her Blondie friend starts to stroke my pants and I've already got a raging hard on. Hotel creeds fly through my mind and while I'm trying to think of an answer she has my cock out and and is jacking it off. The brunette slaps her hand, hitting my cock too, and she lets go. I turn and put my cock back in my pants and leave and remind myself not to get too close to the animals.
I continue on to deliver packages and come back to the front desk to tell my story to the staff. They tell me that it's no big deal. One of the bellmen is upstairs fucking somebody he just met. The maids are fucking each other in the maids closets and spare rooms and filming it, sometimes, for porn sites. It's amazing any of the rooms get cleaned. They get paid more for fucking than they do for cleaning the rooms. I'm told that I really don't know the half of it and to just fucking relax and keep my mouth shut and the show will go on. I tell them OK. They tell me the show has been going on for 10 years now. It doesn't make any sense but then the phone rings and somebody comes up to the desk. I stand there and zone out on the lobby and restaurant entrance. Some girls wave at me from the lobby, they're dressed in hot pants and bikini tops. I realize it's the girls from upstairs and they make a funny hand motion and my co-worker sees it and laughs. They go out to the pool.
The pool sparkles and glistens and bodies splash around. Somebody has an alligator floatie. There is a topless woman in the shallow end with floaties and really big sunglasses on. Her drink is kinda floating on the surface in a weird way. She holds it just under the water and will tell you it keeps her drink cold. I get off work and go home and masturbate.

Lakers Basketball

Golden State Warriors are playing our boys tonight at the Staples Center. The game starts at 6:30pm and it should be some good Easter fun.

I've got some free tickets around here somewhere.

Oh yea!!! Hit me up at the Concierge stand.

Happy Easter

Welcome to the emptiness that is downtown on a Weekend. It's a ghost town around here. I'm probably gonna be sent home early, because there is nothing happening at the Dirty Hot Hotel today. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think there is a pool party here at the hotel.

Droog with crosstown rebels is playing at the rooftop at the Standard Hotel.

The Biltmore is offering a brunch and dinner buffet ($49 for adults and $25 for kids). The Champagne Brunch Buffet, served from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Rendezvous Court, will include choices like omelettes, salads, seafood and pastries. The Easter Dinner, served from 5-9 p.m., will include a four-course meal with choices such as Alaskan Halibut with cioppino, Colorado rack of lamb and pan-seared beef tenderloin.

Café Pinot: Known for its garden patio and cosmopolitan appeal, the restaurant at the Central Library will serve a three-course brunch from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ($34 for adults and $16 for children). On the menu are Ricotta pancakes with Tahitian vanilla-infused mixed berries; spring leg of lamb with toasted couscous; and chocolate fondant cake with caramel sauce.

Kendall's Brasserie: The contemporary French restaurant at the Music Center will offer a three-course brunch from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. ($35 per adult and $15 per child). Options include French toast with dried fruit compote, maple syrup and whipped cream; blueberry pancakes with caramelized bananas; pumpkin ravioli with apricot and tomato relish and parmesan cheese; and lemon meringue pie.

Patina: Joachim Splichal's flagship restaurant at the Walt Disney Concert Hall will offer a high-end Easter dinner with a five-course tasting menu for $85 per person. The choices will include Bassano white asparagus, Meyer lemon espuma Heirloom teardrop tomatoes; ravioli with ricotta di pura capra orticche and burro nocciola; and slow roasted Yukon potato timbale and macco di fave.

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels: The headquarters of the Los Angeles Archdiocese naturally gets into the Easter act. Following a 10 a.m. mass, there will be a Cathedral Champagne Brunch in the cathedral ballroom. The meal ($25 adults, $15 for children under 12), will include a carving station, a breakfast station and what it bills as a "Decadent Pastry Table."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

World Pillow Fight Day

Wow. Who came up with this idea? I love it.

Get your most feathery pillow and head down to Pershing Square by 3:00 and get it on. There are some rules.

- Don't hit anyone with a camera.

- Wait for the signal.

- Only feather pillows aloud.

- swing softly.

Sounds like fun.

What else is there to do today? Well, the Clippers are playing the Trailblazers down there at the Staples center around 7:30pm and I was able to find you some court side seats for about $850 bucks. OUCH! Wow! I could think of some better ways to spend that money but whatever.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Don't forget to put a little time aside for some private quiet time today and get something accomplished. Stop smoking drugs for a couple days and see what happens. You might just get something accomplished.

have a good Saturday.

Friday, March 21, 2008

High Living #68

West Hollywood 2006

It's midnight, 25 Valet guys in white lining the driveway. You can park your car on the other side of the street and they'll go get it from there. They prefer if you would pull it into the driveway and leave the keys in the ignition. They're all Mongolian, the Valet are all Mongolian and they are run by pit bosses from Afghanistan. Things are instantaneous. The guests are through the lobby doors before you know it.
2 tall doorman hold open the doors and beg to take your bags. You've just got a rolling bag and let them take it anyway because what the hell, you should live it up every once in a while. You strut along the blonde wood and make your way through the lobby and want to know which direction does your room face. The white flowing curtains symbolize the clouds and sky and the blonde wood is suppose to be the sand. It's really nice in here. Soft music is piped in. You pass the concierge that is sitting down at his desk, then the marble front desk cut into the wall. There is orange and the clerks walk out in beige suits with white t shirts on. You check in with me. Its all very fashionable and expensive and worth the wait. Let's hope you don't need air conditioning.
Very Sexy.
Too Sexy.
The bell boy makes funny jokes and picks up on you in the elevator. Things almost cross that line but they don't. You love it. You tip him a little more.
You tear into the minibar and pour yourself a whiskey drink. It's fucking delicious and you open the curtains and see the future.

A bath.

Light some candles.

Room service and another round of drinks.

order some porn.

Take a nap

Get up and head down to the hotel pool bar. Some idiots from a sitcom have jumped into the pool in thier suits and dresses. They got some people wet and are being escorted out. There are mattresses and chairs and tables and benches and things are very friendly at the pool bar. I love it here. You can booze it up until 2am and then try to pick up some dudes and see what happens up in your room.

You party until the sun comes up and then ask for a late check out. Little did you know that you just slept with the same guys that hang out in the lobby around closing time every night. The walk of shame buzzards. They know that is the best time to pick up women. They've slept with a lot of women and now they've sletp with you. You don't care though, you needed it.

Good Friday

Have you been good? Doesn't really matter. Jesus knew that you'd be a fuck head and blow everything and fall head first in all 7 deadly sins. You've probably broken every 1 of the 10 commandments, except murder.

You really have problems.
But let's focus on getting to church today and working it out.

Hello Jesus! My buddy was telling me that Jesus was beaten and made to carry the cross all over town on this Friday. Let's remember what he had to go through and even more so let's remember that of all the 300 something religions this is your religion. This is when your dude died for all the sins of mankind.

You don't even care.
Go to church and sit there for a while. Sit in the back and think of what the hell your doing.

Can I get a hallelujah JACKIE!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pre Easter Fun

Los Angeles Arena Football

This is as close as we shall get for a football team in Los Angeles so you better enjoy it. Get over to the STaples Center today for some fun because the game starts at 7:30 and you are in for all kinds of fun.

The Los Angeles Avengers take on the Philadelphia Soul.

Wanna watch guys that are being paid $25K punish eachother. That must really hurt to be thrown into a wall. I'm not sure if $25K is worth it. I don't know if 25K would even

Well, good seats are gonna cost you about $195 bucks. I know that sounds crazy. It is crazy. Why don't you just spend all that money at Edison Lounge and you could buy over 500 of their .35cent gin martinis.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Whoooooooooooooa Wednesday

Oh no, that little pony of ours is running a little too fast.
WHooooooooooa there pony boy.

Take some time off your busy busy busy busy schedule and think about going to Sweeny Todd tonight at the Ahmanson Theater. Suppose to be a kick ass musical. Then you can go rent the dvd on Netflix when it comes out soon. The show starts at 8pm and tickets are going to set you back about $100 dollars.

Yes. That's not even the founders circle.

Don't forget to take your happy 4 legged friend out for a walk.

Now with the parade over in Pershing Square my dog might be able to shit on the grass. Fucking Parade. Here is a picture of some of the green water they put on for the St. Patricks day Parade on Monday. It was still green yesterday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Touring Downtown

Oh yes indeed. There is a lot of stuff going on around here in downtown. We've got all kinds of crazy action. The restaurant inside the O Hotel just opened up. We've got interest rates falling through the floor and you should really stop on by Santee Village and take them up on their 60K discount on Condos over $400K.

Gosh I was so drunk yesterday that I thought that the Kings played the Sharks last night. It's today. Happy Day after St. Patricks day.

WoW! It sure is good to have the day off. I've got to make it over to the REDCAT and check out the new exhibit.

I'm wondering if I should take the Metro down to Exposition park and check out that exhibit of dead china men. Body Worlds at the california science center.

Go to Little Tokyo and open an animal store or something. Start a band. Use the Garage band software you have on your MAC.

You bastards.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

Take a look at this naughty leprechaun!

If Your Irish and you like drinking, chances are you are probably so drunk today that you can't even figure out how to operate your computer.

You can check out all the good stuff downtown starting at 12:30 in Pershing Square.
The Young Dubliners play until 2pm and then everyone is heading over to Caseys Irish Bar and Grill for some fun and more Irish Music and gaiety and laughing and dancing and you'll probably get lucky today if you can just stop from throwing up all over yourself.

If ice hockey is your game then head over to the Staples center and watch the Kings beat the hell out of the Sharks.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Last Minute Sunday - Start a porn site

Get over to the LA philharmonic and listen to John Pizzarelli - "Dear Mr. Sinatra"

That starts at 7:30.

You can also head over to Redcat to catch a show. Maybe you were around for ALASKA, maybe you weren't. You should now head over to see ICELAND. Its suppose to be really really good. Hows that for a review. It's really really good. GOD i do not have enough time for proper reviews.

What else is there to do today? WORK WORK WORK and maybe open a porn website for 90K. I know what you're saying. HOT SHIT! A startup porn site costs 90K. That's right. Just met some guy that's running one and they havn't even seen a penny in returns.

Check out beaverbungalow.com for that action.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Check out that babe a couple posts down. Wowzers.

Things are going great these days at the Dirty Hot Hotel and you've got a live feed to the motherboard. Where do I start. My detective business!!! I'll be rich. Then there's the Italian Cafe. I also need to update this motherfucker every day or maybe twice if I'm feeling surly. I need to run those numbers again. Where the fuck is my band? Damn it! I caught some of the guys at the building next door with their jackhammers now all I need is to spend some time with it.
Detective biz
Italian Cafe
Band project
oh yea, and my job.
WOW! Check out how she has her hands on her body. Let's hear it for reckless fun and wanting to be this dog and live in a nice house in Beverly Hills and totally lay by the pool everyday and give doggie readings late in the evening in the garden and having food and probably a little doggie car so I don't have to walk around the grounds. I'm positive somebody is buying little doggie cars in beverly hills.
One day I'll live in the Beverly Hills of Mars and have my little doggie kingdom, but until then I've got to let you know where all the fun is tomorrow. CASEYS IRISH BAR AND GRILL.
You should start tonight at midnight. I'm sure they've got cots. Break out your old Interpol records and enjoy the aughts. 01 - 08 went by fast. We'll be in the teens soon. Fuck you if your'e not gonna call them the aughts. Fuck you Ethan! You can party until Monday when they plan a St. Patricks Day Parade through Pershing Square. Can't wait for that. Watch out for drunk drivers and encourage friends to order a taxi.
What else can you do.
Love it.

Saturday Action Downtown

Caseys Irish Bar and Grill is serving green beer and there will be some Irish Music and fun and oh yea you are gonna love all those hot little Irish Honeys. Things are fun fun fun over here at the Dirty Hot Hotel. We've got sluts, we've got hustlers, we've got all kinds of fools and everyone seems to be having a damn good time.

Oh no. The finals at the Pac 10 are finished.
UCLA beat Stanford. That's right UCLA is number 1.
Final score 64 to 67

What else is going on today? Debauchery? The PBX operator is screwing some of the housemen. Oh it's great around here. The maids do more than just clean your room.

Come on down and live the good life in Downtown Los Angeles.
Fashion week continues as Jared Gold hosts a function inside the Standard Lobby from 4 till 8

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday night at the Dirty Hot Hotel

Oh yea things get like this every friday at the Dirty hot hotel

Totally Fashion Friday

Staples Center Action tonight
Game : No. 4 Southern California vs. No. 1 UCLA (9 p.m.)
Game : No. 3 Washington State vs. No. 2 Stanford (11:30 p.m.)

Get excited people. We are getting to the end of the PAC 10. Cross town rivals play tonight at 9pm. That should be exciting. Tomorrow is the championship, so get those bets placed.

What else is there to do today. Somebody came by the desk and was talking about some fun action at Cinespace tomorrow. DJ ADAM 12 and that crackhead from Crazy Town. Stupid one hit wonders. I hate Hollywood so to hell with Cinespace. Let's talk about some shit going on downtown for Fashion Week. You know that they are going to have some stuff at St. Vibiana church.

Hmmmmmm let me look around.
Tonight we have Jared Gold showing off some of his designs at Union Station at 8:30. It's called "Czarina." It's open to the public. Check out Jaredgold.com to look at his designs.

I'm sure Boxeight is doing something tonight, but my computer here at work won't allow me to view websites with flash. Stupid work computer. I'm sure they've got St. Vibiana like last year.
All my love and kisses.

Enjoy this Friday. It might be your last.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

To my best friends

I'm gonna kill you guys or at least make you have convulsions

Thursday College Basketball madness

12:00pm – No. 4 USC vs No. 5 Arizona State
2:30pm – No. 1 UCLA vs California
6:00pm – No. 3 Washington State vs No. 6 Oregon
8:30pm – No. 2 Stanford vs Arizona

Looks like it's going to be a big day at the Staples Center. Wow. Lots of College Basketball all over the place.

What else can you do downtown if you're not into Basketball?
Well. Hmmm. Get over to Edison for Thursday happy hour. That could be fun. They've still got the .35 cent martinis.

Enjoy life and give 110% or Enjoy life and give 20%. Do whatever you want.
Start posting those stories on a blog. Get it together.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

College Ball at the Staples Center

Get your ball on.
6:00pm – No.8 Washington vs No. 9 California
8:30pm – No. 7 Arizona vs No. 10 Oregon State

It's going to be crazy at the Staples center tonight. Bring your blowhorn and paint your belly! We've got some great Pac-10 games here in downtown Los Angeles tonight.

Wow. Back to Back action. Get an early start on your Wednesday at the Edison, which opens at 5pm and figure out how long it will take to walk from 2nd and Main to Chick Hearn and Figueroa. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. 25 minutes? Better pound those drinks then.

Get to those games! We've clocked some tickets around here for $500 bucks.
Come down to the front desk and get a couple free tickets.

Thursday? or is it Wednesday?

All the news that you can use on a Wednesday
A lot of
Stay home. Get focused on new projects. Visit the MOCA exhibit. There's also an exhibit at the Red Cat. I think I'll go down there and check that one out today, and get a coffee while I'm there. What else is going on? Well, I need to get down to the bookstore and buy incorporating for dummies and check to see if the space is still available for our Italian Cafe/clothing store/bookstore and cigarette stand.

Big Day Today.

Don't forget to buy my book on Amazon and learn German.
Leave me a comment with your address for some fiction titles on sale.

I've got to finish these 101 dirty hot hotel stories. What else is going on?!? I figured out an equation to living at Santee Village on a 450K unit.

7% down is 32K
405K loan at 5.55% is $2600 impounded
HOA's are $400 a month
I need 32K and $3000 a month to get that going. Could probably rent a 1100 sq. ft. space in Santee Village for 2K and eat the rest. Ouch.

Mmmmmm possibilities.

Enjoy the rest of your day you spoiled denizens of the west. I'm totally going to start that Mayan novel about the calender and the end of the world. That's my favorite kind of trashy novellas. Give yourself a headstart and don't go to sleep folks. Stay up late and try to figure out where the hell you'll get 32K to start with.

What about Mexico. We've also got a Mexican Beach Hotel on the table.

Hmmmmm. Let's stay here in Downtown for a hot second though. Downtown Los Angeles is the epicenter of my life for the last 6 months. It's starting to get to me. I love getting out now and going anywhere. Keep your eyes peeled for Jaime Foxx filming that cool movie. He's on the streets. First reader to send me a photo gets a shout out. Oh yea!

My favorite new restaurant is Tranquility Base. I can't wait to go at night and see how all the lighting looks. I only go during the day now. Good whiskey drinks. I'm going to the 7-11 on 7th street. It's been open now for a while. I should make myself aware of it. Good for guests staying at the Dirty Hot Hotel. Famima closes and so does rite aide but 7-11 will really fill a niche in the Downtown night owl circle.

Love it and live it and go to LACMA if you get a chance.
Buy a $1500 purse

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Early Tuesday

Lift-off! You can do it! Fly up high with Endeavor. Go fucking Endeavor!#$*@!
Lets talk about suicide and not doing it. Imagine all the things that are gonna happen tomorrow when the stuff, your so worried about, goes down and then think about moving to Kansas or Michigan or somewhere, like so many people do and start over. If you live in Moscow you can move to China for a while. Hang out in China and see something new. If you live in Iceland then Canada is totally for you, or Alaska. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Alaska. I know what you're saying and Alaska is way better than Suicide. Don't do it. Join the Marines. Get a job. Start a newspaper.
Love wildly.

Life is worth it.

It's a hell of a good time over here at the Dirty Hot Hotel. Don't kill yourself, for crying out loud, and come down and stay a night. You might wander over to the library and learn something. I've deleted too much in this post to be happy about. I must depart.
Buckle up and enjoy your liftoff!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday is for Losers

Hi Lovers!

You know who you are. It was great seeing you.
Wait till you see what happened last night in Los Angeles. Okay, you're probably looking at the pics above. Shannon and that dudes band Josh Taylors Friends Forever were playing on 2nd street in between spring and Broadway. It was way rad and then the fire department showed up.

Wow can they put on a show. They're headed to SXSW right now via Phoenix and Albuquerque and then Austin.

Well that was last night so no use rehashing it. Ummmmmmm what are you doing today? Why don't you do your taxes you dirty little rat. Pay up or get that refund. I always pay more so I can get the refund. You really don't miss it on your paychecks. Whatever. Don't be dumb, pay your taxes.

Also you can catch the Kings playing the Canucks at the Staples center at 7:30. Enjoy it!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Good stuff

Sunday is madness. Go for a swim somewhere. Go out and buy some drugs and then flush them all down the toilet and go to Church. Visit the gigantic church over there off the 101. We are gonna call it; St. Your Mama church. Things are great. Things are lovely these days down here at the Dirty Hot Hotel. We've got all the main players.

Be sure to rock it and roll it and get into it as often as possible.

We've got all kinds of people here at the hotel spreading the gospel of the 'The Secret', we've got all kinds of people living the good life.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Sucks

I hate working. I'm sure you do too. Why can't we just live free and love and love it.

Well we can't and you have to work and I'm all upset about it.

Whatever. What is going on in Downtown today? We have the Kings playing against the Canadiens at 1 o'clock and then the Clippers are playing the Timberwolves at the Staples Center today.

What else. There is a new Vegan restaurant in the 3rd level of Little Tokyos mall. It's suppose to be bomb ass. What else. Live DJ's and madness at the Standard Hotel all night. If you live downtown and want to get a feeling for all the madness. You should party at the Standard and then sleep in a doorway.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Who owns the Staples Center?

The Game starts in half an hour. Get your jersey on and call your buddies and get going?!?! The Lakers are rolling and you can see who really owns the Staples Center. GO LAKERS!!

What else can you do tonight?!? Go down to the Palms and get a steak. Order a singapore sling and a taxi and drunk dial some friends and tell them how good life is. Life is pretty good if you think about how you don't live in Africa and have to travel 2 hours for water. You fucking jerk.

What else could you possibly fucking do? Open up an alternative energy business.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Big day. Kings play the Senators.

Some other things to keep in mind.
Sex and more sex.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wednesday is for Fun

Head on down to the Staples center to watch the Clippers get their turn at the Sacramento Kings. The lakers beat them last night, so lets see what happens today. You can also head over to the Walt Disney Concert Hall and check out some French Masters at 8pm sharp.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm what else is there to do.
Keep your job and show up on time for work.
Not much else.

have a good day and stay sober.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Christ, I'm Rich!

Get over to Amazon.com and look under books for my gigantic 2000 release. It's called Hollywood 2000 and it's running about $40. I think you can get it for a deal for $39. What a goldmine I've got. It's published in Germany in German; so don't buy it if you can't read German and think about buying some of my current titles for $5.

Jean Marc

A companions guide to the Universe

The Race

Ship of Fools
2004 Summer Novella


Venice Via Venice


The Lofty Riches

and soon to be released

101 Dirty Hot Hotel Stories: from Motel 6 to the Mondrian

check out this link if you can't find the book.


Tuesday is for lovers

Check out whats going on at the LA central library at 7 PM
Antonio Skármeta
The Dancer and the Thief(El Baile de la Victoria)
In conversation withVerónica Cortínez, Professor,Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA
The prize-winning novelist (Il Postino)—for whom "neither life nor literature outside politics" is imaginable—sets his exuberant love story against the backdrop of the new Chile, free from the Pinochet dictatorship but prey to the perils of globalization.

You can also go over to the Staples center and check out Linkin Park. I found tickets at ticketmaster for $34 bucks in the nosebleed section. You can't even see the stage. Then I tried another ticket agency and found out that I didn't even understand their seating chart for $450 bucks in the PRM.

Enjoy today!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Go out and get laid

Go get some. You deserve it. God knows you need it!

Mustache Mondays at Charlie O's is a mess. Go live it up.
You can also get drunk at 7grand starting at 4pm.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Marathon

Don't even try coming downtown by car.

Take the Metro.

You're gonna love it.

All those fools running around. The race started at 8:15 and is all over the place.

The subway is the only way to get downtown.

You can try taking the 101 and exit main or spring or hill, but those only go down to 6th street and then you're fucked.

The Lakers are playing the Mavericks today at 12:30. Put on a Marathon outfit and pretend to run if it will get you there any faster.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clippers vs Pistons

The Composer is Dead at Walt Disney Concert Hall.

The Composer is Dead engages a young audience with a gripping plot-in this case, a whodunit musical mystery-while the music composed by Nathaniel Stookey and Lemony Snicket’s narration work together to provide an investigative stroll through the ranks of the orchestral instruments. This will be a concert to remember with Lionel Bringuier leading the Los Angeles Philharmonic. - WDCH website

You can also catch the Clippers vs the Pistons at the Staples Center tonight.

Think of starting a company and get rich.